Alliance for Reproductive Health Rights - About us
Established in 2004, the Alliance for Reproductive Health Rights (ARHR) is a network of Ghanaian Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) promoting a rights-based approach to sexual reproductive health. The ARHR is working to ensure the sexual reproductive health (SRH) rights of all people – especially vulnerable groups such as the poor, marginalized and women of reproductive age – are protected and fulfilled irrespective of socioeconomic status, gender or race.
Membership of the ARHR comprises of three national NGOs (ZNGOs) and 35 local NGOs (LNGOs), coordinated by a Secretariat and overseen by an Advisory Board. Aligning the interests of independent bodies working in the SRH sphere – which in themselves can be limited in capacity, geographical reach and political presence – the ARHR creates a platform through which their voices can be heard.
Together, the ARHR works with other SRH stakeholders to push for advocacy, capacity-building and research programmes funded by national and international bodies, such as aid donors and the Government of Ghana. These programmes are then implemented and monitored by each tier of the ARHR, from the policy to the grassroots level, making sure real impacts are being achieved in underserved areas. In turn, this helps educate and empower communities to continue demanding their SRH rights long after the programmes are finished, a measure of sustainable development.
As an organization, the ARHR affirms:
We work to ensure that women, children and adolescents health is achieved through Advocacy, Research and Capacity Building for inclusive, responsive, accountable and equitable delivery of health services.
A society in which universal health coverage is achieved.
- Gender equality.
- Mutual respect, participation and consensus building.
- Equity, transparency and accountability.
- The state has the obligation to respect, fulfill and protect the rights of citizens.
- Community sovereignty and empowerment