General News

Workshop picture

ARHR Organizes Workshop on Exploring Gender, Intersectionality and Power in PHC in Ghana

ARHR organized a workshop to review emerging findings from studies conducted on gender, intersectionality, power, and political economy issues in Ghana’s Primary Health Care (PHC). The meeting allowed stakeholders from civil society, academia, and other parties in the health sector to receive insights into the research findings and propose viable entry points for corrective action […]
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ToT Session picture

Strengthening PHC using the Gender Model Family: ARHR Conducts Second Trainer-of-Trainers Session

ARHR has successfully conducted its second trainer-of-trainers session to boost the capacities of its six partner organizations as part of actions to implement the “Putting Women and Girls at the Center of Primary Health Care (PHC)” initiative. Supported by SEND Ghana and funded by Co-Impact, this initiative seeks to enhance community health outcomes using the […]
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Transformative Solutions Explored at Abuja Conference to Enhance Adolescent Health in West Africa

In a two-day conference in Abuja, Nigeria, stakeholders across West Africa converged to tackle pressing issues surrounding adolescent reproductive and mental health.  Hosted on the sidelines of the 25th ordinary meeting of the ECOWAS Assembly of Health Ministers by the West African Health Organization (WAHO), the conference discussed ways to improve adolescent mental, sexual, and […]
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ARHR Trains Partners on the Gender Model Family

ARHR has trained partners on the Gender Model Family (GMF), with support from SEND Ghana, as part of activities to implement the ‘Putting Women at the Centre of PHC’ initiative with funding from Co-Impact.  Held in Accra, the training brought together 12 participants, including two representatives from six partner organizations who were empowered to understand […]
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Job Vacancy- Programme Officer, Policy Analysis & Advocacy

The Alliance for Reproductive Health Rights is seeking an experienced candidate for a Programme Officer, Policy Analysis and Advocacy position. This position requires a deep understanding of Ghana’s healthcare systems, policies, and regulations, gender, and intersectionality as well as excellent analytical and communication skills. This is a full-time position with a salary commensurate with qualifications […]
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ARHR Technical workshop

ARHR convenes Consultative Meeting to Review its Health Systems Change Strategy

Accra, Ghana (March 21, 2024) – ARHR convened a consultative meeting with technical experts to review its draft systems change strategy for implementing an initiative funded by Co-Impact.  The gathering brought together about 20 technical experts with diverse health backgrounds from the Ministry of Health, Ghana Health Service, UNFPA, CSO partners, and others and provided […]
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Statement Pix

Moving from Commitment to Action: Statement by CSOs in Ghana on our Perspective on Ghana’s Markers of Progress toward UHC by 2030

Though progress has been made, Ghana’s health indicators reveal that there are still numerous gaps in Ghana’s health system. This means urgent and bold action need to be implemented to ensure the availability and accessibility of  healthcare to a lot more people, especially those in underserved and hard-to-reach communities in different parts of the country. […]
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DontTaxMyPad Campaign

Don’t Tax My Pad Campaign Press Conference

As part of advocacy efforts to get the government of Ghana to remove taxes from sanitary products, we joined the Ghana Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) Platform on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to intensify advocacy efforts on the removal of taxes from sanitary products through a press conference, ahead of the reading of the national […]
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ARHR Participates in Ghana’s 4th Maternal, Child Health and Nutrition Conference 2023

ARHR is participating in a 3-day national Maternal, Child Health, and Nutrition Conference in Accra, Ghana from 9th -11th October 2023. The Ghana Health Service (GHS), in collaboration with key partners, is organizing the Conference which is the 4th edition under the theme “Strengthening Service Delivery for Quality and Accessible Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and […]
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