Reproductive Health Education and Services for Young People

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ARHR supported the 7th UNFPA/Government of Ghana country program from 2018 to 2022. The project, which was implemented in six (6) districts (Ashiedu Keteke, KEEA, Nzema East, South Dayi, Bosome Freho, Jirapa) across six (6) Regions (Greater Accra, Western, Volta, Ashanti, Central, Upper East) in Ghana sought to empower out-of-school adolescent girls through improved access to reproductive health education and responsive reproductive health services.

Over the project’s five-year implementation, ARHR trained 150 Adolescent Health Champions (ADH) across the six implementing districts to exercise leadership and leverage their influence within their respective communities to share critical health information with their peers to enable them to make well-informed SRH choices. Through health fairs and ADH-led peer network meetings, approximately 200,000 adolescent girls, including persons living with disabilities, have been reached with sexual and reproductive health and rights information and life skills to help them make decisions about their SRH. About 34, 000 of these people were referred or had access to adolescent-friendly healthcare facilities across all project implementation communities. As a result, more adolescent girls have been empowered to exercise their agency regarding sexual and reproductive health, and more health professionals have been enabled to provide quality youth-friendly and gender-sensitive SRH services to these adolescent girls.