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Capacity Building Workshop for Community Based Organizations, Community facilitators and the Media

  A 2-day capacity building workshop has been organized for about fifty-three (53) community based organizations, community facilitators and the media in Kumasi, Ashanti Region from Thursday, 4th – Friday, 5th June, 2020. The rationale behind the organization of the workshop was to re-orient participants towards the implementation of the Reproductive Health Education for Adolescents […]
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Twitter Storm to commemorate World Malaria Day

  In commemoration of World Malaria Day, ARHR in partnership with Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG), Center for Community Studies, Action and Development (CENCOSAD), Curious Minds, Oguaa Aid and other CSOs organized a twitter storm on Monday, 27th April, 2020, from 1pm – 2pm, to draw the attention of stakeholders to continue with the […]
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Zero Malaria Starts with You and I

  Malaria was considered too difficult to beat. The historic progress seen in the new millennium has changed the trajectory of the disease, with global cases and deaths reduced by more than half since 2001. Despite this progress, the threat of malaria resurgence due to drug and insecticide resistance, climate change, and complacency requires leadership […]
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