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GirlForce: Unscripted and Unstoppable

  25 years ago, women and men from 200 countries including Ghana gathered in Beijing, China for the Fourth World Conference on women with the single goal to recognize the rights of women and girls as human rights. The conference led to the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action: a comprehensive policy […]
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Working together to prevent suicide; 40 seconds of action

  Every 40 seconds, someone loses their life to suicide. This is heart breaking; an extreme physical sign of the prevalence of mental health.   Mental health is an area of health care which is so often neglected in the pursuit of quality, accessible and equitable health care. Systems and structures have not been properly […]
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Adolescent Health Champions undertake scorecard assessment of health facilities

  Adolescent Health Champions, assisted by a team comprising staff of ARHR; UNFPA; Department of Social Welfare, Ghana Health Service and Department of Gender and Social Protection, undertake a scorecard accountability assessment of some health facilities in the Ashiedu Keteke Sub-metropolitan assembly, Komenda Edina Eguafo Abrem (KEEA) and Nzema East Districts under the project ‘Empowering […]
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International Day for Universal Access to Information: “Leaving No One Behind”

  Access to quality and reliable information is a fundamental human right. It plays a transformative role in empowering citizens, giving equal opportunities and facilitating fair debate. Universal access to information promotes accountable and effective governments and paves the way for freedom of participation in public affairs. This year’s theme, Access to Information: Leaving No […]
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Demonstrating a Sense of Entitlement for Improved Health Care

  John Mensah of Nuabesa, a project and farming community in the Nzema East District, took his granddaughter with severe malaria to the Axim Government Hospital. Nuabesa community does not have a health facility and the nearest facility (CHPS compound) which is 2 km away could not offer her granddaughter the required treatment for malaria. […]
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ARHR and Partners Storm Twitter to Demand Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Actions in National Health Policies

  Using social media as a tool for advocacy, ARHR and its partners across the country stormed twitter with key messages to demand the implementation of gender equality and social inclusion actions in national health policies towards achieving universal health coverage. The twitter storm which lasted for a period of one hour, saw over 30 […]
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Community Leaders push for rights-based education on Malaria prevention and care in rural Ghana

Rights-based health education is the foundation of improved health outcomes. To achieve Universal health coverage people must be well informed about their right to physical and mental wellness, in addition to the information and resources to help manage, prevent and treat illness. Justice Peh, Project coordinator for Development Focus – a community organisation in the […]
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The Depth of a Humanitarian’s Strength, Power and Love

  World Humanitarian Day honours efforts of humanitarians all over the world and advocates for the bravery of supporting people especially in times of crises. As the world’s population increases, with limited resources, humanitarian efforts become indispensable especially in times of crises. People all over the world may need help in one form or the […]
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