General News

ARHR and Partners Storm Twitter to Demand Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Actions in National Health Policies

  Using social media as a tool for advocacy, ARHR and its partners across the country stormed twitter with key messages to demand the implementation of gender equality and social inclusion actions in national health policies towards achieving universal health coverage. The twitter storm which lasted for a period of one hour, saw over 30 […]
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GESI Actions in National Policies Towards UHC; So Far, So Good?

Gender Inequality and Social Exclusion (GESI) is aviolation of human rights and causes diversemultiplying negative effects on individuals and thesociety at large. Women, children, aged and othervulnerable groups are subjected to varying degreesof health related practices which are dangerous totheir well-being due…
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Scaling up the CSE Project

With an increased funding from United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), ARHR is scaling up its project, ‘Empowering Adolescent Girls through Improved Access to Comprehensive Sexuality Education and Quality Gender-responsive Sexual Reproductive Health services’, to the Volta and Ashanti Regions. The project which seeks to empower adolescent girls through improved access to comprehensive sexuality education and […]
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Courtesy Call on First Lady of Ghana

ARHR and its partner, Comic Relief, UK, has paid a courtesy call on Her Excellency, the First Lady of the Republic of Ghana on Wednesday, 30th January, 2019. The visit, among others, was to deliberate and share ideas on the First Lady’s initiative to end malaria in Ghana; a similar project which is being implemented […]
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Peer Educators Training Workshop – UNFPA/ARHR CSE Project

As part of activities of the UNFPA/ARHR Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) Project, a 4 days training workshop was organized for ninety community peer educators (Adolescent Health Champions) from the various implementing communities from 3rd – 6th December, 2018. The peer educators were equipped with knowledge on reproductive health and its related issues to enable them […]
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Trainer of Trainers Workshop – UNFPA/ARHR CSE Project

[fusion_text]A trainer of trainers workshop was organized for ARHR’s local NGO partners and community facilitators on the UNFPA/ARHR Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) Project at Oguaa Apartments and Lodging on 22nd and 23rd November, 2018. The participants were trained on strategies for referring adolescent girls for reproductive health services as well as how to sensitize out […]
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